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A blockchain inspired solution for the retail FMCG industry

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As far back as 1996 the importance of trust working together was achievable using Technology and Data need to drive change

Importance of Transparency & Trust

Effective companies build networks based on interdependencies. 


By working together as partners, retailers and manufacturers can provide the greatest value to customers at the lowest possible cost. 

In 2014, a Dark Cloud once again came over the grocery industry as the supplier / retailer  relationship was out of balance

Dark Clouds over the industry

Even in 2017, 3 years after Tesco encountered issues, Tesco's auditors E&Y acknowledge grocery systems and practices are complex requiring significant level of judgement.


Tesco has increased Supplier transparency

Complex buying terms and large volume of data created an opportunity for Profit Recovery Groups to thrive working with retailers

Complexity =
hidden profits

THe profit recovery industry has leveraged retailer data over the years identifying contractual gaps from the retailers perspective enabling revenue generation for all parties at the expense of suppliers



New players such as ATG are now focused on putting the tools back to the retailer focused on real time data.


Recent new ventures are focused on transforming and reinventing the grocery sector using new technology driven by customer demand.

Could this be the Future

A new Technology company is paired up with Industry experts and already looking at further ways to transform the retail sector.





BlockChain has the potential to disrupt Retail as we know it, the only question is when and to what extent!

BlockChain simplifies business processes

As consumers demand more the retail sector needs to reduce costs from its footprint to remain competitve.

Smart Contracts 

Smart contracts have the ability to simplify the supplier / retailer relationship impacting both ales activations schemes, loyalty with reduced errors

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